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Bucharest recent comments:

  • Children's Playground, zagan wrote 14 years ago:
    Playground demolished in 2010 / loc de joaca demolat in 2010.
  • Bl 75A, Al3x (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Aici este sucursala BRD !!!
  • Sf. Pantelimon High School, Rabbit (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    My old high-school. 1993-1996. In the past before the '89 "revolution" when you finished the high school you were hired to work in the factory next door, Electoaparataj. But the bastards at IMF & World Bank took care of that, just like they closed most of the factories in this cursed country. Four years of my life wasted for nothing. Now, the precious land from under Electoaparataj is going to become yet another "residencial area" with shiny new buildings for the unemployed people to move in. Wait... They can't! They got no money! Thank you and a big FUCK YOU, IMF & World Bank !
  • Palatul Ghika Tei, gest (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    da si eu am auzit ca se leaga cu manastirea, dar nu cred ca mai e inteles ca atunci cand s-a amenajat lacul, au cam daramat stiu sigur nimic..
  • The Romanian Academy (Academia Romana), fishbrain (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    No, it is not. the Mirrors was shot nearby, over the river to the right as you look. The building is the future place for the National Library (close to Unirii Square).
  • Romprim S.A., kjkjk (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    suburbia 13
  • Fort III "Otopeni", madalinfocsa wrote 14 years ago:
    Andrei, te inseli cu schita din imagine. Acolo e doar o imagine MARITA, nu e la scara restului terenului, deci normal ca nu se suprapune corect pe teren, nici nu era asta intentia, ci prezentarea planului fortului. Il stiu pe omul care a pus-o
  • Metrorex. Staţia Pantelimon (M1), Chisinau wrote 14 years ago:
    S-a corectat !
  • Bloc A3, brutus (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    aici am regulat-o pe ana.
  • Metrorex. Staţia Pantelimon (M1), FolkFan wrote 14 years ago:
    Cine a pozitionat-o aici? Nu e corect, gura de metrou nu se afla in fata benzinariei, ci in spatele ei, la intrarea in parc. O a doua gura de metrou, nefinalizata, se afla la 150 m spre sud-est, pe aceeasi parte.
  • Bloc 4, utcb (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    One of bitch kind of person!!!
  • Bordei Park, FieldherpingRomania (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Released exotic birds. Not true vagrants.
  • Garbage Dump, Vlad (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Around four species of gulls roost here sometimes.
  • Kulturhaus, SoldatNecunoscut (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Acum a devenit Kulturhaus.
  • ONIX, SoldatNecunoscut (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Club de negri si blonde infipte in negri...
  • Bl. C16, al_concordia wrote 14 years ago:
    Cunoscut si sub numele de blocul "Materna"
  • Floreasca Park, gogu (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    parc aproape privat, neamenajat, de cacat este pustiu si nu merita vizitat
  • King Michael the I Park, gogu (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    cel mai frumos parc din Bucuresti pe locul 2 as trece parcul titan, dar in Herastrau sunt zone mai pustii unde pot sa beau o bere linistit dupa o plimbare cu o bicicleta inchiriata
  • Pantelimon Park, gogu (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    pardon, am vrut sa zic floreasca nu vacaresti
  • Pantelimon Park, gogu (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    da, intradevar, cel mai pustiu si de kkt parc desi nu este la fel de infect ca vacaresti si lacul nu pute ca acolo, aici poti sa vii cu bagaboante sa le futi in cur si in toate gaurile in natura sau poti veni cu un tovaras si sa beti pana nu va mai puteti ridica de jos dara sa va deranjeze nimeni deasemenea poti fuma lejer o iarba in aer liber fara frica de politie