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Bucharest recent comments:

  • King Michael the I Park, FlorinC wrote 14 years ago:
    Statuile din Herăstrău iarna:
  • UPB - Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, iulian (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Merita facuta facultatea. Dar sa te tii de ea. Satisfactiile nu vor intarzia sa apara. Dar e nevoie de multa munca si mai ales multa munca individuala. Daca sunteti siguri de voi si stiti ce vreti probabil aici e cea mai buna alegere.
  • Thomas Antiques and more, Joost (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    A very nice place in the old center. You'll find it on the first floor of the building.
  • National Park, gigel (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    du-te dreaq cu pasarile tale
  • ASE Dormitory, gigel (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    cel mai tare camin...mai e doamna vicky ?
  • Bloc de apartamente, arcapadine wrote 14 years ago:
    Haha, nice trolling :)).
  • CPI - IT Training Center, shoppy wrote 14 years ago:
    ICI, Corp C
  • CIMITIRUL EVANGHELIC + SECTOR CRESTIN ORTODOX, Adrian (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    E voie sa intri ca sa vizitezi?
  • Eva Building, alex (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    I live Here , very noisy, the club isn`t a big problem compared to the noise made by traffic, I don`t know if the structure will last to a major quake
  • Cotroceni Presidential Palace, Transylvanian1 wrote 14 years ago:
    LOL..the stupid president doesnt live here ;))
  • Zarnescu big big,Family, : (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    this house is for sale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Pod Izvor - Statia Izvor-Acces Tehnic Albie Dambovita, pop3_dark (guest) wrote 14 years ago: ce treaba are aceasta coborare pe albia tunelurile?:))
  • Euroclinic Hospital, (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    please help I am looking for info of my husband to be. I was told he was in the hospital under a coma please tell me if this is true. His Name: Dr.Evans Nat Fisk. I was told there was a motor vehicle accident & the other person had minor injury and his name is Charles. Please tell me if this is true and I am not being told a lie. I pray to God that this not true. PLEASE HELP ME. I live in Canada and need a phone number to contact the hospital. I was told that he was in the Euroclinic Hospital. My Phone # 1-306-827-2041, in Canada. Leona
  • Bulevardul Constructorilor, 19, hrdt (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    recently renovated in a more pleasant way than the rest, also it's neighbour
  • Blocul Rosu, End Soft Design (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    You can find End Soft Design Agency here.
  • Iulia Hasdeu College, gigel (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    e plin de panarame aici, bune rau !
  • Bucharest Sport Club Fencing, AndreasFicker wrote 14 years ago:
    Hy, I took two private fencing lessons there when I was in vacation. They are super and they have nice equipment and good teaching skills. London Epee Fencing Lover
  • Former project of Văcăreşti Lake, C (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Momentan, lacul e plin de tigani si caini vagabonti, iar pe marginea lacului, gunoaie... E pacat, are potential.
  • "At railway" - "La linie" drink&gossip, FolkFan wrote 14 years ago:
    Lounge and more... :)))
  • Camin C2, Socrate (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Tura la H 7