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Bucharest recent comments:

  • Palace of the Parliament, flovs wrote 14 years ago:
    in 1984 was starding to built "house of people" (after a project made by Anca Petrescu)
  • ROCAR, flovs wrote 14 years ago:
    In 1956 here was made first romanian bus (after "MTD" bus)- "TV-1" BUS. In 1959- TV-20 BUS and TV-2-E trolleybus. In 1974- "Roman-112-UD" BUS and "Roman-112-E" trolleybus. In 1979- "DAC-112-UDM" and "DAC-117-UD" BUS. iN 1980- "DAC-112-E" and "DAC-117-E" trolleybus.
  • Abandoned Swimming Pool, ultras_daddy (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Liceul a avut cea mai mare "curte" dintre toate liceele si scolile din Bucuresti,bazin de inot,profesori f.f.f. buni.Denumiri mate-fizica nr 39.industrial nr 26
  • Belvedere Baba Novac Residential Project, ultras_daddy (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Bilea Silvia si Dan:0744821156(RO)si 3932822831(Italia)
  • Belvedere Baba Novac Residential Project, ultras_daddy (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Aici era "paduricea",unde,copil fiind ma jucam cu cei din MC-uri,G-uri,31A de-a hotii si gardistii,cowboy-i si indienii,fatea(de-a v-ati ascunselea).Mai tineti minte?Calu,Magu,Costel,Stelica,Paul Grasu,Laur,Adi,Navodari,Mariana si Mihaela Bejan,Lucian,Lili,Nicu Mirica,Marian cu Catalin(31A)Cata Cretulescu,Anca si Dan Popa,Mirela si Rivi,Gelu,Dan nebunu,Mirel,Anca grasa(apropo am vazut-o pe 12 martie,e slaba si frumoasa),fam. Cautis ;salutari si sanatate tuturor.Silvia si Dan Bilea
  • Bloc 31B, ultras_daddy (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    catre Ioan Adriana:sunt Dan Bilea(MC5)tel Ro:0744821156 si/sau Italia:3932822831.Multe salutari
  • Timpuri Noi Square Offices (fosta fabrica "Timpuri Noi"), axelanti wrote 14 years ago:
    acum este un teren viran. te ingrozeste felul in care arata si mai ales faptul ca numai colectrii de fier vechi isi mai fac veacul pe aici.
  • Stadionul Steaua, Stormhunter wrote 14 years ago:
  • Palace of the Ministry of Agriculture, Chocolat Extase (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    S.C. Chocolat Extase S.R.L. Bufet M.A.P.D.R. camera 200 in incinta Ministerului
  • Victoria Palace - Headquarters of the Government of Romania, Ahmed (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    نعم، اميل هو واحد من أعظم رجل في التاريخ الروماني.
  • Benzinaria Petrom, Dac (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Aici am avut norocul de a primi ca bonus, pe langa benzina cumparata si niste apa in ea.
  • Piata 1 Decembrie, Alin (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Mama , in fiecare zi.
  • Sun Tower, Yes (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    This buiding is a huge scam and I hope everybody involved in this so called "project" will be punished
  • Scoala Nr. 74 Enachita Vacarescu, calator wrote 14 years ago:
  • Vel Pitar Sa - Berceni Branch, emy (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Cel mai prost brutar, Vel Pitar.
  • Camin P14 Regie, Z33TM (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    fostul bloc "B" ( inainte de numirea in P... ) ; in anii 78-82 ( cel putin ) in acest camin stateau baietii de la Transporturi
  • Colegiul Tehnic de Posta si Telecomunicatii Gheorghe Airinei, mykydutza (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    e jmecher..... imi place!!!!
  • Victory Square, Ушелец (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Жители портят вид своих домов остеклением лоджий. Куда смотрят власти? Позор властям Бухареста! Нищий "Романиус-советикус" :((( P.S. (для русскоязычных) Текст своего сообщения (изначально более эмоционального и жёсткого) максимально упростил для более точного и понятного перевода с помощью переводчика Гугл - "Чтобы румыны поняли".
  • Victoria Palace - Headquarters of the Government of Romania, Ушелец (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Теперь я знаю, что румыны горячо любят своё правительство!
  • Dristor 1 - Substation, Ушелец (guest) wrote 14 years ago:
    Один только вход, что ли?