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Bucharest recent comments:

  • Gyros fast food, steli (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    very good gyros!
  • Vila Dante, mavi (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    au ajuns basistii pana si aici?...
  • ANL, seymorebums wrote 12 years ago:
    sa ne cacam pe sistem@@@
  • Pasajul Lujerului, erw (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Aici ii asteapta stelistii pe crapidisti si pe potai cand vin in Ghencea sa ii bata.FORTZA STEAUA
  • Vitan Neighborhood, AL (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    @BIG - S-ar putea sa ai dreptate...blocurile de la Nerva Traian pana la Dambovita sunt notate cu M, spre Vitan vad ca sunt alte microroaioane (A-F si V-uri in mare parte) pana la Mihai Bravu.
  • Liceul Motoc, arcapadine wrote 12 years ago:
    Also known as "Pe pula sa te intorc" Highschool.
  • "Dinu Lipatti" Music College, arcapadine wrote 12 years ago:
    Also full of "cantaretii pulii" (pula's singers). Aka kids with parents musicians that think they're as well good but in fact they stink (part because of their race, because, like I said, there are lots of manele singers.). Avoid.
  • Moxa Hotel, silvertravel wrote 12 years ago:
    One of the best located Hotel in Bucharest; Le Boutique Hotel Moxa is situated in the heart of the city. Built in glass and steel, while at the same time preserving its classical appearance, Le Boutique Hotel Moxa is situated on Victoriei Avenue (Calea Victoriei), the main promenade avenue in 19th century in Bucharest.
  • Vacaresti Platform, steli (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    si sufocanta, 100% beton
  • Vitan Neighborhood, BIG (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Cartierul Vitan se termina la Nerva Traian.Sunt dieferenta clare intre blocurile din Nerva Traian,Mircea Voda,Splaiul Unirii,Marasesti,Goga si cele din zona Foisorului/Vitan.Dieferente in ceea ce priveste calitatea apartamentelor,suprafete,aspect exterior....
  • Piata Valea Ialomitei, ionut_b wrote 12 years ago:
    nr 1
  • Magazin alimentar si Pay Point, vemil71 wrote 12 years ago:
    a little to expensive!!!
  • Imobil istoric, turistinbucurestiro (guest) wrote 12 years ago:
    Acum aici este Trattoria Buongiorno
  • Croitorie, deceneu (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Croitorie in care nu s-a inventat inca bonul fiscal
  • Tineretului Skatepark, punkomat wrote 13 years ago:
    Full with garbage.
  • Little Park, Tata (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    How about old women? Can they rest too?
  • Parcul Crângaşi, xddsew (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    the usual tits?u guys look for tits,not birds :))
  • Utility Point, vali (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    aceasta cladire este statia electrica Razoare apartinand de enel
  • Terasa Sincron, Constantin Vladulescu (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    KinderGarden Sincron
  • Autogara Filaret (fosta Gară Filaret 1869), axelanti wrote 13 years ago:
    cica "It has tree traks." linii de copac? :)) "IT HAD THREE TACKS" in cel mai bun caz