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Bucharest (Romanian: Bucureşti /bu.kuˈreʃtʲ/ ) is the capital city, industrial and financial centre of Romania. It is the largest city in Romania, located in the southeast of the country, at 44°25′57″N 26°06′14″E , and lies on the banks of the Dâmboviţa River.
Bucharest was first mentioned in documents as early as 1459. Since then it has gone through a variety of changes, becoming the state capital of Romania in 1862 and steadily consolidating its position as the centre of the Romanian mass media, culture and arts. Its eclectic architecture is a mix of historical (neo-classical), interbellum (Bauhaus and Art Deco), Communist-era and modern. In the period between the two World Wars, the city's elegant architecture and the sophistication of its elite earned Bucharest the nickname of the "Little Paris of the East" (Micul Paris). Although many buildings and districts in the historic centre were damaged or destroyed by war, earthquakes and Nicolae Ceauşescu's program of systematization, many survived. In recent years, the city has been experiencing an economic and cultural boom.
According to January 1, 2009 official estimates, Bucharest proper has a population of 1,944,367. The urban area extends beyond the limits of Bucharest proper and has a population of 2.1 million people.Adding the satellite towns around the urban area, the metropolitan area of Bucharest has a population of 2.6 million people.

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  • Camin P14 Regie, Boheme (guest) wrote 1 year ago:
    In P14 ( si in P15 ) au stat baietii de la Transporturi si in anii 85-90 iar in caminul vecin, cu care impartea intrarea, P13, stateau baietii de la Mecanica Agricola. P13 a fost demolat in iulie 2021 pentru a face loc constructiei unui camin nou iar in noiembrie 2023 a inceput si demolarea caminului P14. Asa s-a terminat o poveste inceputa in anii 60 ai secolului trecut.
  • Strada Doctor Constantin Severeanu, Ciprian (guest) wrote 2 years ago:
    Studiu zona Soseaua Pandurilor
  • BAUMAX, Rica (guest) wrote 2 years ago:
    Mai nou cunoscut drep "lagarul" de la Chitila
  • Fundatia de Servicii Islamice din Romania, milea wrote 2 years ago:
    @aurel Confunzi fundația aceasta cu „Biserica Universală” de alături, păstorită de niște brazilieni, membri ai unei secte înființată chiar de ei cu scopul de a-i escroca pe cei naivi.
  • Teren ingradit - santier, Reason (guest) wrote 2 years ago:
    Fabrici ? Cui sunt necesare ? Oamenii moderni nu vor să lucreze în fabrici, ei trimit mailuri din birouri de sticla. Toti se viseaza manageri. Produsele se comanda din China, cat mai ieftin, de calitate cat mai slaba.
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